Soft Tissue Management Course
Event Date: 12 February 2021 - 13 February 2021This soft-tissue management course was an incredible success, selling out despite being one of our initial courses post-lockdown.
Dr Gluckman and the Implant & Aesthetic Academy team equipped participants with essential skills and knowledge on a variety of topics, including:
- Digital Smile Design
- Creating Soft Tissue
- Correcting Soft Tissue Defects
- Soft Tissue Harvesting & Synthetic Replacement
- Soft Tissue Procedures Around Natural Teeth
- Rotated Palatal Flap
- Peri-Implantitis & Peri-Mucositis – Aetiology & Treatment
- Apically Repositioned Flap
- Vestibuloplasty with Free Gingival Graft
- Tunnel technique with CTG (for treatment of recession sites)
- Cornily Repositioned Flap (using the VISTA technique)
- Vascularised Rotated Palatal Flap (for closure of extraction sockets)
At the end of the two-day course, participants were more than prepared to perform guided participants through soft tissue procedures around natural teeth to achieve aesthetically pleasing results.